Wednesday, August 19, 2009

M.A.M.'s 10 Biggest Pet Peeves...

Oh, c'mon, you know you do too care...
Whenever I voice yet another of my pet peeves, I always start with, "Pet Peeve number 457..." or whatever random number I pick that day, and then launch into telling my unwilling victim something else I just realized ticks me off or drives me crazy ...So, I thought I'd make a list of those that came to mind right away (you know with 457 pet peeves, only the ones that come to mind immediately are listed here) And I imagine some people are not going to like some of my brutally honest opinions here, but really, they're all in fun. And they're in no particular order...
  1. Babies who are dressed in just a diaper or a diaper and a t-shirt. I know it's not the baby's fault. It's the redneck parent who inflicts this baby equivalent of Glamour's Do's and Don'ts on their little guy/girl. And yes, I know it can get really hot in the summer, but a little sunsuit or onsie would work too. Why not just put them in a mini-wifebeater and a pair of baby Levi's?
  2. Drivers who drive slow in the left lane. Hello! They call it a passing lane for a reason! (They also call it the FAST lane!)
  3. Drivers who drive slow in the right lane. Okay, okay - just any slow driver is a pet peeve of mine no matter which lane they drive in! (The way I drive - I should have been born into the Earnhardt family.)
  4. People who think they/their kids should be treated better than anyone else or have special priviledges. (Remind me to tell you about MFH (Mother-From-Hell) and her daughter "mini-me" from when my daughter went to private school. That's an entire post all it's own!
  5. When you go to the store on a weekend and they have 1 or 2 registers open and deep lines for you to stand there on your time and give them your hard earned money. Retail is one of the oldest professions - have these people not figured out that more people shop on the weekends than other days of the week? (Not blaming the employees - the retailers themselves.)
  6. Wal-mart bashers. I'm sorry - I have worked retail and many of my friends still do. K-mart and the other discounters do not treat their employees any better than Wal-mart. They all underpay, overwork and try to get out of giving them benefits. Simple as that.
  7. Really ugly and/or really old people driving hot sports cars. Gimme a break. Do they really think people will find them more attractive because they drive a hot car? What happens when they have to get out of their car and meet people without the benefit of that Mustang or Viper? Bet they don't get the same attention.
  8. People who complain about EVERYTHING. (This is why I sometimes hate myself.)
  9. People who can work, but don't work, and expect me to pay for their food, their healthcare and their shelter (along with their gold chains, expensive name brand clothes and steak dinners - while the only real jewelry I own is my wedding ring, my family eats mac-n-cheese, and wear thrift store clothing.)
  10. And the best for last - this is a repeat really - I wrote about this in my 10 things you probably didn't know about me post. I can't stand it when people blow their nose in a restaurant - fast food or nice sit-down - doesn't matter. I don't have a weak stomach - I just think it is rude. That kind of thing really does make some people sick just to think about, let alone hear it while they're trying to eat their pea soup or guacamole.

Okay, there's my list. I imagine I'll be hearing some pretty interesting responses if anyone actually reads my post, that is. Hey, there's pet peeve # 458 - you go through all the trouble to write fun posts for your blog and NOBODY reads them! Do you have any pet peeves? If so, what are they? Your turn...


Matt "Ikigai" said...

Pet Peeve - people that tailgate in the right lane. Just pass me if you want to go 80 in a 45. And if someone is already over there in the left, just relax for two seconds - it's called traffic.

Becky G said...

Your 11th pet peeve is one of mine, too! It seems that over the last 6 months or so, ALL of my readers have abandoned me. I sometimes wonder why I still bother...

Perpetual Beginner said...

I just try to keep in mind the rule of tens - generally for every person who comments on a post, a minimum of ten people will have read it.

I try hard to avoid pet peeves - I'd spend too much of my time being annoyed. I do find I get annoyed when people assume my SAHM status means my schedule is free for them to rearrange as they see fit. Friends who know my schedule very well (practicing times, writing times, karate class, etc.) will nonetheless call during these times and be annoyed when I don't answer promptly. Sorry, just because my paycheck is sporadic and happens months after the work, doesn't mean I get to not do the work!

(I'll try to comment more frequently - both for you and for Becky.)

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Matt - Even if I drive like I'm an Earnhardt, I still drive safely...I don't do the tailgaiting thing so I guess you're safe if your in the St. Louis area :) Becky, I read yours almost everyday - except when it's football stuff - just not that into it - otherwise I do though. I'll try to stop lurking so much and throw in a comment or two. And Perp. Beginner - that's good to know. I have to admit - I purposely went ahead and put some of those pet peeves on there to get some comments - like the Walmart one and the insecure people in flashy cars ones - just to get a rise and hopefully some comments. LOL (But they are valid pet peeves of mine)I know I'm bad...

Sue C said...

Pet Peeve - UK style. This is on the driving theme: I hate 'middle lane drivers'. In the UK on a three lane motorway you can only overtake on the right hand side. So middle lane can overtake left lane and right lane can overtake middle lane. You are not allowed to overtake on the left. So if some prat decides to drive at 50 in the middle lane (speed limit is 70mph)it basically reduces the motorway to 2 lanes because everyone is queuing behind the prat to overtake him (the right lane already being full of cars overtaking)! I confess to occassionally being frustrated enough to overtake in the left lane (something we call undertaking). It's illegal but hey!You can only push a girl so far!