Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Four Lies and One Martial Arts Fact...

Okay, I hijacked this idea from Chris over at Martial Development (see link: I was not one of the original "chosen Tagged Ones" but after I commented, I was tagged in the comments section. Here's the premise.
The meme works as follows. You post five things about yourself. Four are untrue. One is true. All are so outlandish, implausible or ridiculous that no one would be inclined to believe that any of them are true. And despite the pleas from your readers, you never divulge which is true and which are fabrications. You then tag five other people (four seriously and one person you are pretty sure would never participate).
  1. In class one night, I was once kicked in certain areas that us girls only have in pairs. So I kicked back in a certain areas that only you guys have in pairs. (And no, I don't mean ears...we ALL have them!)
  2. Once in a self-defense exercise, I flipped what I thought was our tall, large, sturdy Sensei over my shoulder. Turned out it was one of our 105 pound female brown belts.
  3. I was a body double for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill 3, which never made it to the big screen. (I wonder why?) Quentin Tarantino told me I was better than Uma.
  4. I was also a body double for Steven Seagal when he appeared naked on the big screen. I was told I must wear a girdle to be more convincing.
  5. Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley personally delivered my "Total Gym" to my home when I won it in a Martial Arts Tournament being held at the Shaolin Temple.

Okay, now which of the 5 do you think is the truth?

I'll never tell!

I tag: BBM, Becky at Fine Martial Fiber, Ikigai, The Perpetual Beginner, and Minivan Ninja


Chris | Martial Development said...

In class one night, I was once kicked in certain areas that us girls only have in pairs.

You were kicked in the high-heeled shoes? I guess that is why they tell you to practice barefoot.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I'll never tell...but I will say that was NOT the true one...snicker snicker...

Matt "Ikigai" said...

ok, i'm on it!

Patrick Parker said...

I know #3 is true!

Becky G said...

It's got to be number 4!

I'll get mine up in a day or two.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Patrick - what makes you say # 3 is true - that I could body double for Uma or because the movie never made it to the big screen because of it? LOL!

Becky - the girdle part gave it away, didn't it?

Matt - I'll check your blog to see yours!

BSM said...

I'm sorry but you are MUCH prettier than Seagal!

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

BSM - why thank you! I have to admit I WAS more flattered by Quentin Tarantino's comment than I was by the Seagal director's insistance on the girdle... : )

Anonymous said...

Hi, actually I have been kicked in such regions - was wearing too small body armour at the time ! I also recently, accidentally kicked one of my instructors in a delicate area, never a good move :)

PS Love your blog! We have a couple of moms who have stepped across the watching lines into the dojo, I'm trying to encourage a couple more, its always nice to have a few more ladies around.

Perpetual Beginner said...

I finally got mine up a couple of days ago. It took me a while, but it was fun to come up with the alternates.