Just thought it might be fun to post one of those "10 Things Most People Would Be Surprised To Know About Me" posts and then challenge all my hundreds (hee-hee) readers to do the same. Here's my list and TAG - You're it - whether you do it on your own blog or in my comments...
10 Things Most People Would Be Surprised to Know About M.A.M.:
- I hate math. Detest it. I am a "word person"...NOT a "number person"!
- If I was shipwrecked on a desert aisle with only one food, and I could choose that food, what would it be? Easy answer - POTATOES Baby! No question! Mashed, fried, scalloped, julienned, baked...okay, you get the point. (This answer is based loosely on the assumption that if I had a choice in the first place, the rules would be liberal enough to take into account condiments to prepare the one food in any way possible!)
- Okay, everyone knows that in my opinion, there's only one way to rock...SAMMY HAGAR! What many don't know is that I have a tattoo to prove it. I designed it myself and got it about 3 years ago. I will post a photo soon, but it is about 5" diameter and is on my back right shoulder.
- I am not good with sewing/quilt patterns. But I can get an idea for a quilt in my head, actually being able to see it visually inside my head, and then draw it out and figure out the math (yes, really, even tho I'm not a number person) and make it myself from start to finish.
- It ticks me off when people blow their nose in a restaurant. Ask any of my friends. Whether I'm in a high-class restaurant or a Jack-in-the-Box, if someone whips out a napkin & blows their nose in the dining room area of a restaurant, you can bet I'll be staring daggers at them. There is just no reason for this. I don't have a weak stomach or anything - I just think it is plain rude. Go to the bathroom, Dude!
- I wear a size 10 ladies shoe. Now if I were a guy, I'd be bragging about this and everyone would know! But I have flat feet (born w/no arch) and I have Fred Flintstone feet. Not exactly the kind of thing a lady wants to be well-known.
- My husband and I have been together since we were 14 & 15 years old. (Except for that pesky 7 month divorce thing we almost went thru with). We are now 43 & 44. You do the math...remember, I hate math (refer to #1)! See photo of us above when we were VERY young!
- Unlike many women, I am NOT a chocoholic. I much prefer other dessert flavors - like apple, cinnamon, hazelnut, pecan, etc.
- I drink only 4 beverages on a very regular basis. They are: Coffee, Unsweetened Tea, Water and Smirnoff Ice. (I do like me some rum and coke and Southern Comfort and Sprite on occasion, but those 4 are my staples.)
- I don't particularly care much for meat. It's not that I don't like the flavor - it's the consistency I don't like. Too much like eating dead animals. Oh, wait a minute, when eating steak, one IS eating dead animals. I don't have any ethical qualms about eating meat, I just don't like feeling like I'm chewing on actual flesh, which is what eating a steak of any kind feels like to me...yuck. Now give me some good ground round and I'm a happy camper. I know it sounds weird, but ground meat doesn't look like/have the consistency of flesh. Again - not a vegetarian or vegan or an activist - just don't like the feel of it in my mouth. (Get your mind out of the gutter!)
After writing this, which was fun by the way, I realized I could probably add about 10 more things that would surprise people about me. Then again, there's probably HUNDREDS of things I could tell you about me that wouldn't surprise anyone in the least...like how shy I am and often run out of things to say...yeah, right...that's a "whole nuther post"...
You're what I would call your own breed of cat. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and I'm glad you're back together with your husband. I hope it works out! :)
Steve - is that compliment? LOL It kind of sounds like you're saying I'm an oddball, which oh, well, if the shoe fits...lol I do take the accusation of individuality as a compliment! Thanks, Steve!
I did mine ! Click my name to see it !
was definitely meant to be a compliment. :).
I loved reading this post -- I always like to get to know people better. I did my "10 Things", too. You can see it at 10 Things People Would be Surprised to Know About Me.
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