Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yellow Belt - Here HE comes...

My 11 yo son, "Buddy" is finally testing for his yellow belt. Because we have a very casual, once-per-week class, and because he is just not very motivated, he has been doing martial arts for a long time and has still not been ready to test. He knows the moves of the basic moves, the kumites and the katas on which he'll be tested, but he just doesn't put the "purpose" into the moves...if you get what I mean.
He knows how to do the moves properly, but he just kind of flails his arms and legs around doing them. For instance, I have tried to explain to him how in our Basic # 1 Kata that he must imagine there are attackers coming at him from all sides and he just does the moves. He doesn't "defend" himself as he really would if those attackers were not imaginary.
So, Sensei thinks he is finally ready and so he is being tested this Thursday for his yellow belt. Like I said, I know he "knows his stuff" but because of his ADHD, he has some focus issues plus just lacks plain motivation.
Please cross your fingers for "Buddy". I know this achievement would really go a long way in upping his motivation. I'll keep you posted.


Cheri said...

Congrats to your son. I've been through similar problems with my DS. He also has ADHD and lacks motivation. Trying to get him motivated for forms is an uphill struggle. Like your son, he knows the steps, he just hasn't grasped the concept behind them.

Hang in there and know you've got at least on of us (probably many, many more) who're dealing with the same thing.


Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Cheri, I don't know why I never ran across your blog before but just took a look at the post you just did on Dynamo. I will be a follower from now on. We have a lot in common even tho my son is not autistic, he is ADHD and many of the traits are similar. I don't have time to go back and read older posts today but I get time regularly here at work when nothing is going on, so I look forward to doing so. Thanks for commenting!

Perpetual Beginner said...

Fingers crossed! It took my older son two years to get his yellow belt. Immediately afterwards he quit karate, but he just started back this week, and seems much more motivated this time around. He even remembers most of what he knew before, even though it's been more than a year.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Do the coaches not pretend to be an attacker as you get to the point of reviewing for a test? Mine will shadow as the attacker throwing the exact moves you are supposed to defend against. It's very helpful!

Diver Daisy said...

How'd he do???

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I e-mailed Sensei the morning of and told him Patrick was not ready. Wed. night he was still not resetting after moves and he would not have done himself justice. So, he will probably be testing in 2 weeks now. I'll keep you all posted.