Wednesday, December 3, 2008

MAM's Self-Imposed 4 Week MA Bootcamp

Our martial arts classes are conducted in "sessions". The one we are finishing this Thursday, Dec. 4th was a long one - 14 weeks. The next one, because of how the holidays fall, will not begin unti Thursday, January 8th. That is a full 4 weeks with no martial arts classes. E-GADS!!!

I have decided the solution to this almost certain festival of flab will be Martial Arts Mom's self-imposed 4 Week Martial Arts Bootcamp!

I plan on creating the benchmark MAM 4-Week MA Bootcamp Intense Itinerary. (Try saying that 10 times fast!) The self-inflicted torture will most certainly include plenty of push-ups, ceaseless sit-ups (or other ab work), barrels of balance exercises, perilous punching, kick-ass kicks, well, you get the idea. And don't 'forget kata. Gotta have my kata.

It's easy to practice alot of this on my own. I've told you all before that I like to get me some early morning kata. (Sounds dirty, doesn't it? LOL) But then again, late night kata is pretty good too! (Seriously, get your mind out of the gutter - kata is not being used as a code word for something else in this context! :) I can practice kicks & punches myself and /or with my hanging heavy bag. I can do the bo staff and eskrima by myself to a certain extent, but it would be much easier to practice with a partner. So, I may see if one of the other folks in class would want to get together once a week for those 4 weeks to practice the eskrima drills we've been working on on Tuesday nights so we won't forget all that hard work we've put in.

Actually, you know, this 4 week hiatus could be a good thing afterall. If I stick with my plan and don't overindulge this holiday season, I could go back in January in "fighting form"... but given all the goodies encountered at this time of year, I'd settle for just NOT going back in"FLABulous form"!
Wish me luck...or rather willpower and determination!


Meg said...

I'm temporarily sidelined, so your boot camp sounds like it would be massively awesome to attend just to keep in shape!!

Ariel said...

Your bootcamp idea sounds great. I hope to hear good things about how it went by the first of the year. :) My last class is on the 9th, then no class till January 8th, which is way too long to go without a class. I may just join you and do my own bootcamp!

Diver Daisy said...

hey! let's do it. how bout you post the plan for us to do :) Then all of us who want can do it along with you (in spirit). I have been worried about coming back to class in Jan and being so out of shape. And this past week of turkey dinners has done nothing to improve my shape (or condition). Miss Planner, help us all out :) Tell us what to work on or strive to do each day. Then we can pick and choose and report back to our "drill instructor." I'm ready!!!!

Ariel said...

Lol. Great idea, Diver Daisy! I like it! We can have our Martial Arts Christmas Break Support Group, and our sessions to help overcome the feelings of sadness will be jumping into a strenuous work out routine!

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Oh, this could be fun...I've always wanted to be "Seargeant Carter"...MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!!!! (I'm dating myself here, aren't I?) I'll come up with a plan for us all - very general that is so we can all adapt it to our own art. And Diver Daisy, don't worry about coming back - the only thing we've done that is much different that the usual is Tuesday night eskrima (stick class as we lovingly refer to it)and Sensei is talking about extending that and continuing on with it, but was not positive about that as of this past Tues. Stay tuned for the official "MAM 4 Week MA Bootcamp and Support Group" : )

Diver Daisy said...

Well you better post it tomorrow night cause I KNOW you won't be in class :) But, it is a Tuesday and you probably feel obliged to go to the church group, the PTO meeting, and billion other things since it is a Tuesday night, so you will still have to miss your TV shows :(
I'm just giving you trouble! :)

Diver Daisy said...

oh, by the way, check out my latest blog site
You might get a chuckle

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Actually, Diver Daisy, we are having weapons class tonight - to make up for the one canceled when O'Sensei Laub passed away a few months ago. So, if I get out of my meeting on time, I will go. But I have been sidelined by a terrible illness in my head - no that didn't come out right - I am stuffy and congested and runny nosed all at the same time. Like I told someone yesterday - it feels like cotton fills my head, but the cotton is alive and trying to get out! Horrible headache, pressure, etc. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great plan! For the escrima stuff - hey, come on down to our neck of the woods, we'll bang sticks! :)


Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

MALS (Her)...
Wow - I wish I could take you up on that - I wish my kids were more into it so I'd have a built in practice party. You are lucky in that respect.

Michelle said...

4 weeks without martial arts! I feel for you. However, your bootcamp sounds like a great way to keep in form through the holidays. Originally, my dojo wasn't having classes for the two weeks during the holidays, but thankfully, they decided to take off only for Christmas day and New Years Day. I wonder if my whining and pouting had anything to do with it. ;)

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

With us being a non-profit, city affiliated program, the city puts certain restrictions on our space so we have to go with it. I am still going to call a couple of the folks and see if they'd want to get together and practice eskrima and/or bo.