Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Family that Kicks Together, Sticks Together!

The other day, I told you all about how my 10 yo son, "Buddy" was returning to karate after a summer hiatus. I was worried he'd forget all his hard work leading up to this point, but we practiced a bit over the 2 months or so he was not actively taking classes. I also mentioned that my 18 yo daughter, "Sissy", was beginning classes this past Thursday for the first time. She's a newbie like I was at one time. She is young though and it is not as intimidating for her, so I wasn't worried about her.
Buddy's class started like always. And he remembered it all - including his kata. I was so proud of him. Sensei even had the other kids watch Buddy demonstrate a certain kick because he had executed it well. At the end of class, his regular teacher asked me if I had been working with him during his time off from class during the summer. I admitted, "Just a little...definitely not as much as I had hoped for." His teacher said, "It shows. Buddy did very well tonight." Yay for Buddy! I was so proud of him!!
Now as for my daughter, I am wondering if she will love martial arts as much as I do. I don't think she is obsessed the way I am, but I think she enjoyed it all the same. It was difficult to really see what and how she was doing as the beginners were taken to the other end of the dojo like always and I was just too engrossed in my own training to keep a close eye on her. I knew she was in good hands so I didn't make it a huge goal. She did reveal that she was sore the next day because she pulled a muscle she didn't know she had. Turned out the new class of beginners consisted of 7 teen to early 20's girls and one young mom. This is the first beginning class with those demographics since I've been a member of our school. And that is a good thing. After class, my daughter and I were guessing which of the 9 total will stick with it. I hate to be negative, but there are two who we don't think will continue. My daughter said from things she overheard them say, she thinks they joined to try to meet guys there. From the little bit I did see, they just didn't look all that "into it". But hey, you never know, they could fool us all and be the most dedicated students ever. And Although that was not my daughter's reason, I wonder how long she'll stick with it. I hope the bug catches her, but it's not looking good - as I was totally obsessed by that point in my journey. But then again, most people aren't like me - self proclaimed "Research Girl" who will throw herself into every little detail and read anything she can get her hands on. I guess only time will tell for all of the newbies...
As for my own class, only two people returned from last session's beginner's class (or at least only two showed Thursday night. Maybe some were on vacation or not able to attend for some other reason.) But that reinforces the typical beginner class - only two of twelve returning for the next session. I guess that just shows how we are all so different - Once I had finished my first session, I could not more have quit than voluntarily cut off my right arm!
Whene we finished our work out, Sensei wanted everyone to work on the kumites specific to what they needed for their next belt test, then to continue on with the highest kata they knew and needed work on. Here I was again - the only yellow belt amonst the class. Since we were an even number, but everyone else was matched up pretty closely with their own belt rank, one of our black belts said he'd work with me. I've never worked one-on-one with him before but he was an excellent teacher. He walked me through the kumites - first five - both sides - that's what I'll need for my orange belt test and then we did two katas - the first two Pal-Gwe katas. I felt I had a great first night back.
And now I have two people to practice with instead of just one...The family that kicks together, sticks together!


Perpetual Beginner said...

Excellent! It's lots of fun doing karate as a family. It's one of the things I've missed my second time around. My husband did karate too the first time, but has not this time.

Word on the begginer drop-out rate. You really cannot tell who will stay and who will go based on the first class. I started karate because my next-door neighbor wanted to try the local dojo, and didn't want to go by herself. So she roped me into going along. I was curious, but not at all gung-ho. A month later, she had dropped out and I was going to four classes a week.

Ariel said...

Sounds like you had fun at class! It's good to hear that even though your son has been out of class, he's still sharp.

My mom used to do TKD with me, but she dropped out after a little while. For my next belt test I need to know and be able to explain four self defense techniques. If I beg, my mom will occasionally let me make sure I have the movements right, but that's all. So I've had to start getting together with the other blue belt in my class to work on forms and things together. I've wanted to have that immediate family member to practice with for so long. That's a real priviledge to have. Hm...I should do a post on my blog about that...

Michele said...

Good for you! I am glad to hear that class went well. I am still waiting for my nine year old to show more than passing interest. Someday...

Anonymous said...

Sounds great. My hubby would love to join Karate with me but due to his workload he has no chance.
I have my first class, after over a week off tomorrow and I can't wait.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I wish my hubby would. He has no interest whatsoever though. At least both kids are somewhat into it so far. I am, by far, the one most into it though.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the beginners - we still see a couple of white belts who started with me or just after me in April, but not very often.

We love doing martial arts together as a family - it's fun!

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I was very surprised that more of the like 12 did not come back from last session. The one guy I knew would.The girl that returned was pretty much expected too. But I thought this couple would be back. (Ironically the lady had the same first and last name as mine! Guess the "confusion" was too much for her! LOL!