Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Martial Arts Mom: aka The Blogger Virgin

Yep, hard to believe a 43 year old is a blogger virgin,but that I am. I have wanted to blog for a long time now, but didn't know how to get started. Then through another blogger, completely by accident, I stumbled upon this website. My main reason for wanted to blog is to keep track of my martial arts journey, so I'll have it all there in archives for when I write my memoirs when I achieve black belt ranking : ) I also thought it might help me satisfy my obession in talking about martial arts without driving my family and friends completely crazy. If you found this blog, you probably have some interest in martial arts, right? Anyway, that's enough for my "maiden blog". Just wanted to get my feet wet. I am a firm believer in starting at the beginning, which I'll do next blog...when I'm no longer "The Blogger Virgin"...


Blackbeltmama said...

Yeah! Congrats on starting your blog!

Steve said...

Good luck in your training and with your blog.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Thanks, BBM - you are my inspiration for this blog. Your blog is one of the things I check at least once per day, usually more. And Steve, thanks so much for the well wishes. One of my main purposes in starting this blog was to satisfy my need to talk about martial arts all the time! LOL My family and friends are like, "Shut up already!" : )Welcome - I hope you check back often because I've always got something to say...

MinivanNinja said...


My family is driven nuts by my MA talk as well, so the blog can be a good outlet.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I have to actually think before I speak because I can apply something M.A. to almost anything that is said to me. And putting myself in their shoes, I can imagine it would get old. So, I try to go the opposite end of the spectrum and not talk M.A. around them.