Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Please Bear With Me...

Not going to go into detail, but lots, lots, lots of not so great things happening in my life right now. Have it coming at me from all angles - and I mean ALL ANGLES! I will be writing more soon when things calm down a bit. Suffice it to say, I am still obsessed with martial arts and hope to finally be able to go back the day after tomorrow for our second class of the session.
Please keep checking back and stay tuned...as Arnold Swarzenegger once said, "I'll be bock."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Unknown Highlight of 2008...

Yesterday, I posted a reflection of 2008 in the life of Martial Arts Mom. My 2008 claim to fame was receiving my yellow belt. However, I had an achievement in 2008 of which I was not aware...

This morning I checked my e-mail and found an e-mail from our Sensei. The subject line was "Sensei Award". Sensei and I have been trying to get our website up and running (with not a lot of success at this point, I might add) so I thought maybe he was sending me some news to include on the website of an award he or one of our other senseis had received recently. He had copied everyone in our school who's e-mail address he had.

I had to read the body of the e-mail twice to be sure I really read what I thought I read. The e-mail said (Bold, Italics mine):

"Lisa, This award that was to be given to you the last day of class (of last session) but you were not there.

Since this is an annual award, I wanted to make a formal presentation to you before the class before the end of the year.(This being the last few minutes)

For all your efforts and mainly your patience dealing with me about aspect of the website. I present you this Sensei Award.

It read:
Sensei‘s Special Appreciations
Presented to
Martial Arts Mom (Not the name on the certificate)

In our appreciation of
Your contribution, helping make
the Rakkasans Martial Arts website and our Dojo
a success. Your assistance and
hard work is an example for all
members of this organization
to follow.


Thanks again and Happy new year.

I was so completely blown away that when I said I read it twice to be sure that Sensei meant ME, I was not kidding. I literally read it over again to confirm it. Tears came to my eyes and I immediately replied that he had no idea how much this meant to me, how honored I am to be chosen, you get the drift. But my main point was that I am so grateful to have found our school. Martial Arts and our school has had such a positive influence in my life.

I feel that this acknowledgement, if possible, is probably even more of an honor than receiving my yellow belt. So, consider this an addendum to my last post "Martial Arts Mom's Reflections of 2008"
2008 - Wow! What a year!!!!!