Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Martial Arts Mom's Reflections of 2008...

Wow, can you believe it? Another one bites the dust...another year, I mean. I thought I'd just kind of reflect on the highlights of my year...probably much more for my own benefit than yours : ) Besides, I'm sure you have your own essay regarding events of 2008.

If I went month by month, there would surely be alot of holes. But May - now I can tell you about May. I remember May 2008 specifically.

In May of 2008, my 18 year old daughter graduated from high school. I am a sentimental person, but this one really caught me off guard. I didn't think I would become as emotional as I did seeing her walk across that stage. (Even though they accidentally mixed up about 10 students names/order of presentation, my daughter being one of them.)

Also in May, we got a SWEET deal on a pop-up camper from a friend. Only $500 because it had a small hole in the roof where a tree limb had pierced it during an ice storm last year. Ironically, the quarter size hole was almost directly above the dinette, so my husband and another friend put a skylight in, centered above the dinette. It looks great! We went on our annual Memorial Day Weekend camping trip and let me tell ya - it was sooooo much nicer having the camper. Sleeping was nicer, food prep nicer and the best part - packing up all your camping equipment and not having to unpack it when you get home...Extra camping storage!!! We hadn't even thought of that little bonus!

On May 9th, what I would call the single biggest highlight of 2008 occurred. I got my yellow belt after not quite a year in the study of martial arts. I say "got" rather than "earned" because when I was done testing, Sensei told me that we are awarded our belts, but that we technically really "earn" them as we work torward the next rank. I know yellow is the lowest of the belts not automatically given, but it was the first nod from my instructors that I wasn't quite as awful as I thought I was going to be at martial arts. I can honestly say May 9th was one of my proudest moments of personal accomplishment.

But let's back up. We had a group of 3 couples who hung out together for quite a few years. In March, the one couple divorced and it changed the dynamics of our social lives. Social get-togethers used to be based on which couple's house we'd go to. After their split, it shifted to "Which of the two should we invite?" And as much as you try to stay close to both parties in a divorce, it almost NEVER happens. One of the former couple always tends to drift to a different group and becomes lost to your original group.

In April, my daughter became an adult - at least chronologically. She turned 18. That really changed alot of things in our household. She wants to be treated like an adult, but doesn't want the full responsibility that comes with it. I try to explain to her...THAT'S WHAT I WANT TOO - TO BE TREATED LIKE AN ADULT BUT NOT HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITIES!!!! But I'm immersed in being an adult up to my...okay, past the top of my head. She just doesn't get it yet - that, unfortunately, it doesn't work like that.

In June, my son went from a one digit age to a two-digit age. He turned 10 years old. Quite a milestone in a mother's life - when her "baby" turns 10. There's no denying it now - my kids are growing up.

In August, my recent high school graduate of a daughter started community college. She is working toward becoming an elementary school teacher. (2nd to 3rd grade, she says, because at that point in their lives, they've mastered going to the bathroom and tying their shoes without help, yet don't have that "tween" attitude yet. Little does she know...) She has one more year of community college, gettting in her basics and then she'll be off to another college to get her specific teaching degree.

In September of 2008, after almost 7 years with the home care division of one of St. Louis's largest healthcare companies, a new job within the same company was in the works for me. The Performance Improvement Group had been trying to get a position created for me (an administrative assistant) for about 2 years - ever since the department was created, but kept running into corporate red tape. Well, in September, authorization to create & fill the position finally came through. They called me immediately. Many applied for this position, but I won it. Home Care asked me to stay on for 4 weeks to make the transition to a new person go more smoothly. On my last day, home care had a huge blow-out going away POTATO pot luck party for me. They had secretly had my daughter bring my wedding set to them and had the diamond solitaire in my engagement ring replaced (YES, REALLY!!!) and even had it replaced with a bigger diamond than I had before! (I had lost the diamond in June or July or so.) They presented it to me at this party...Talk about surprised! They also gave me a sizeable gift card to a gas station in our area known for having the best coffee around. And, I actually willingly left these people!!!! One of the last things I said to the other secretary there that day (through a veil of tears, I might add) was, "I'm afraid I'm making a big mistake. Nobody will love me as much as you guys do." And she, always knowing the right thing to say, said, "Oh, you'll find LOTS of people who will love you!" And, as usual, she was right. I started the new position on October 6th. The people I work with are GREAT! And since we work with my former co-workers, I get to see my former co-workers and interact with them via phone & e-mail pretty consistently. So, you, see, I have the best of both worlds now.

The last day of October is one of our family's most anticipated days. We absolutely LOVE Halloween. We decorate for Halloween like other people decorate for Christmas. (Okay, think Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.) This year, it ended up being one of the best. The weather was gorgeous. And since Halloween fell on a Friday, we had a big block party complete with lots of really good food and company. We blocked off our short street and had fire pits at 2 or 3 driveways and roasted marshmallows, hot dogs and "biscuit-on-a-stick" (my husband's "specialty") Remind me to show you a picture we have of him roasting one of these...almost looks like a dirty picture. (Try to get a visual of wrapping a Pillsbury raw biscuit around a long stick and roasting it. C'mon...use your imagination...Seriously, everyone laughs when they see them, but they sure taste good with butter and honey and cinnamon, if that's what floats your boat.) Anyway, we always sit outside for Halloween, but this year was almost perfect. Looking forward to another like it in 2009 when Halloween falls on a Saturday!

Then we have December. My family's December is just as busy as everyone else's. Maybe a bit more so. My husband decorates the house and yard pretty extensively. He is of the old school that likes the old-fashioned blow-molded hard plastic lawn ornaments. (Santa, snowman, reindeer, candles, soldiers, etc.) which are extremely hard to find in this day and age. Then, on December 23rd, my dad's internal defibrillator shocked him back from what would have been a fatal heart attack. Then it shocked him again on December 27th. (See the whole story in my post from the other day, A Christmas Miracle in Real Life - Because of this, lots of shuffling around my son, who usually stays with my parents, medicines for my dad, etc. ensued. (My dad will probably not be able to drive anymore, so I have to try to figure out logistics of how my son will get to & from school.) I have to admit worrying about our own money problems, my dad's health, and the logistics of getting my son to & from school has me WAY BEYOND stressed. Not proud of it, but feeling pretty sorry for myself. Sandwiched inbetween those two dates, we had a nice Christmas and my 44th birthday (December 26th) came and went. And now, on New Year's Eve, I anxiously wait for the clock to slowly make its way to 3:30 pm so I can leave work and get home and prepare the house for the New Years Eve Poker party we host every year. We cover our pool table with a piece of plywood and a green felt tablecloth. We play poker for change because none of us has anymore than that and toast various subjects.

At the beginning of the evening, we will mostly likely be toasting the meaningful things in life. Tonight, my first one will almost certainly be in thankfulness that my dad's defibrillator worked...twice in one week. Followed by Sissy's graduation and start in her journey to be a teacher. By mid-evening, Buddy's ADHD seems to be a little better this year - that is something to be thankful for. I got my yellow belt. I got the new job. By the end of the evening and with all these other "toasts" under our belts (literally!), we'll most likely be raising our glasses to Sammy Hagar's new CD, the new season of American Idol getting ready to start in a few weeks, and the fact that we are off work on New Years Day to recover from all of our "thankfulness".
Oh, yeah, and btw, in case you're curious, the husband in the couple that split is the one coming to our New Year's Eve party this year...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Girl Scout Self Defense

You know I talk about martial arts to everyone. And I've never had anyone ask me to show them some karate or anything like that (with the exception of my 18 year old daughter and my 10 year old son, but in this application, they don't count.)

My next door neighbor is the Troop Leader for her 13 year old daughter's Girl Scout troop. She asked me if I would be willing to come to their February meeting and show them a few self defense tips. I agreed but then immediately started to feel like a big fat faker. Am I even worthy of the honor and responsibility to show these girls a few things?

I have learned quite a few self defense techniques in class but I really need a refresher myself before I teach them anything. I also need an uke, which I think I will ask my daughter to come along and play that role if she's not working that night. She only had a couple of classes before she dropped out, but she did get a few self-defense lessons in.

I need to sit down and plan out what techniques I will show them. I do know the very first thing I will tell them, and that is that the first rule of self-defense is that if they can avoid the situation, that is the most effective method of self defense. And because of its utmost importance, it will also be the last thing I stress to them.

After all, I can personally vouch for the cardinal rule of personal safety being to avoid a situation in which potential violence could ensue. (Remember the weird Russian college professor looking dude at the book sale who was trying to corner me solo into an elevator? If not, I think it was one of the better lessons I've learned in my life and am giving you the link to read it if you'd like. )

I'm not going to show these girls any of the more complicated things we've done in class - just the common sense, easy to remember things. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Miracle in Real Life...

My last post reflected on the not-so-virtuous life of my husband's late mother's husband.
What I didn't post is that the day after that funeral, we were moving my husband's 89 year old grandmother into a nursing home. She is in failing health and has lived an honorable life. We had to clean out her whole apartment along with my husband's aunt and uncle. It is sad to divvy up someone's life possessions when they are gone, and even more sad when they are still alive but cannot use any of it anymore. However, she is doing a little better than she was and my husband's aunt has saved all Grandma's beloved craft projects/supplies in case she recovers to the point that she can engage in her favorite hobby.
So, then on top of it all, my dad (who is so wonderful you wouldn't believe it!) has been sick with a flu-like bug for about a week now (probably same thing I had a week ago or so.) Well, yesterday morning, he was in really bad shape - sweating, throwing up, his skin actually gray. My mom called me and asked if I could take off work and take him to the Emergency Room. I knew it was bad if he was agreeing to go to the ER as he fights going to the regular doctor's office. And when I got there, fully expecting a bit of resistance, he told me he thought we should call an ambulance. I knew he was in bad shape when he said that.
So we go to the ER. He's in there awhile and we're just playing the waiting game like you usually do when visiting the emergency department of a hospital and they think you just have a bad case of the flu. While sitting passing the time, my dad casually described the "incident" that morning. He went on to say as he was sitting there in the chair at home, he felt like he was thrown backward and blacked out for just a second and then when he came to, realized he had lost track of a second or two and it scared him. He said it felt like he threw a cup behind the chair. (????)
Now, what you don't know is that my dad has had numerous heart problems - two quadruple bypasses, CHF and for the past 5 years, a defibrillator implanted in his chest. When it was implanted surgically, the surgeon told us that if my dad's heart ever needed it, and the device "fired" it would feel like a horse/mule kicked him in the chest. It never dawned on my dad or mom that this is what had happened earlier that morning. I asked the nurse if he had told any of the health care professionals in the ER this story and her eyes got really big and she said, "Nooooo." Within 5 minutes, we had the ER doc in the room listening to me retell the tale. He & the nurse exchanged looks of concern. I added my worried brow to the mix. Within another few minutes (literally) the representative from the defibrillator company was in my dad's room taking a reading to see if that was what had happened. Physically, he reminded me of the actor who played the husband-to-be of Drew Barrymore in "The Wedding Singer" but unlike the fiance in that movie, this guy was a really nice guy. He asked me if I'd like to come around to his computer screen to see the reading. Well, of course! On the screen, he pointed out to me where Dad's heartbeat was just casually going along and then all of a sudden, WHAM! His heart started beating like 300 beats per minute - basically just vibrating in his chest. He showed me where WHAM! The defibrillator shocked his heart and then an empty space where Dad lost conciousness for a split second, and then the regulated heartbeats again. The man told my dad that he got his best Christmas gift yet with that one. He proceeded to tell us that had my Dad not had that defibrillator, he would not be here now. You could see the joy in his eyes and actions. He said, "This is exactly why I do this job."
The doc and nurse came in a little later and told me I had made a good call - that my suspicions were on target. You could tell everyone was so happy to see technology work this way. This technology offering us a huge ...HUGE...Christmas miracle!
By yesterday early evening, my dad was looking and acting like himself again...his color restored and joking around with the nurses. I just called to see how he did overnight and the nurse said he did great. Said he's up walking and feeling pretty good.
So, yes, Virginia, I do believe in Santa Claus...and in Christmas Miracles!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Life Well Spent...or Not?

The man who was married to my husband's late mother was laid to rest today.
You don't have to say you're sorry. He was the man married to my husband's late mother, not his stepfather. There is a big difference.
I feel guilty even writing this post, but did want to get this out of my head and heart. I think once I do that, I can feel better about the situation and move past the guilt of the anger/indifferent emotions I felt at his service.
My husband's family has never been close. His father was killed in a horrific car accident when my hubby was only 3, leaving his mother a young widower with 3 small kids, the youngest only 1-1/2 years old. I think alot of her own emotions died with him in January, 1970. Less than 4 years later, his mother married this man who we buried today.
From day one, he and his older kids did everything they could do to make my husband and his older brother and younger sister's lives a living hell. They were locked out of the house a small children. They didn't always get to eat dinner. When my husband and I met at the tender age of 14, my husband owned 2 shirts and 2 pairs of pants - one pair of painter's pants that were about 3" too short, and the other pair of pants was the front of one pair of jeans and the back of another pair of jeans sewn together to make one pair. My husband at 14 was 6'2" tall and weighed in at about 125 lbs. My mom started feeding him and we got clothes for him. So, you could say, my parents were almost my husband's parents. And there are a few other things that we think may have happened to his sister, but we cannot prove it so I don't even want to put that horrible accusation to paper (cyber paper anyway).
Because of how this man treated my husband and his two siblings, I didn't think much of him either. And to be honest with you, I didn't think much of his mother for letting her husband come before her children. He never worked a day in his life while they were married - she supported him. He took the money set aside after their fathers' death for my husband and his two siblings. He put illegal drugs in their ground coffee, he kept poisonous snakes in the house. He finally figured out a way to get rid of my husband and had him sent to "Boystown", which was probably the best thing that ever happened to him (and us - it happened 2 months into our relationship - and we two 14 year olds overcame being apart for almost 2 years and just seeing each other once every couple of months...mature beyond our years in a way.)
I could just go on and on. I always said one day I'd write a book about our unusual love story becuase we made it through such unusual odds and at such a young age. (That or go on Oprah!)
So, needless to say, when my husband moved out on our wedding day, he never looked back. His mom and her husband came to our wedding and that was the last we saw of them for about 4 years or so. We lived two streets over from them for 16 years and his mom saw our daughter once when she was 18 months old because she happened to be taking out the trash one night when we drove by. Fast forward another 10 years with no contact.
In about 2004, our daughter was about 14 and our son about 6 or 7. We received a call from my husband's mom's husband. They wanted to get together for a dinner out to meet our kids. We were shocked. We were very guarded as we thought her husband was setting us up to try to hurt us again. But we got to the dinner at a family buffet type place where we'd agreed to meet. They were both nice to us. I was still guarded. My husband tends to be one to not believe people can change, especially after all this man had done to him & his siblings. But I could see he wanted to believe it. And so did I. It was nice to see them in such a different capacity. However, I told my husband as we walked out of the restaurant that I would bet money that one or both of them were sick - really sick. Turned out I was right. They started contacting us occasionally and we believed he was really trying to make amends for his past actions. At least we choose to believe it.
About a year later, my husband's mom was in a rehab center with kidney problems no doctors could decipher. She wasted away little by little. On the day they called my husband to tell him he should come if he wanted to be there when she died, he did go. His sister, also pretty much estranged from their mom came. Nobody else came. His mom's husband, the stepsister running their affairs, etc...nobody. Just my husband and his sister to help their mom leave this world. It was so sad. I am so proud of my husband that no matter the issues he had with his mother, he loved her and showed her compassion at her last breath. I bet his mother thought to herself as she left this world, "Of all the people who I'd thought would be here at this moment, I would not have thought these two." My husband came home crying at what he'd just been through, but he was okay after that.
Her funeral was run by the stepdaughter. We really had no say in anything. But that was okay. My husband was there when it counted.
After her death, my husband had talked to his stepfather and did yard work for him when he was still in my husband's childhood home. And I think my husband had come to a place where he was okay with the past. Surprised me, but made me proud.
At the funeral service today, I felt very out of place. We only knew my husband's 2 half siblings - his younger sister and brother, who both seem to have their heads on straight. We also met the oldest son of his stepfather, who seemed very nice and even introduced himself to our son as his uncle. The step sister that has taken control of all affairs - we knew her and I'm not quite sure about her intentions.
What I am sure of is this. I forgave that man. I think my husband has too. But it was very hard to hear the pastor say how this man worked 18-1/2 years in a grocery store - yes, maybe the first 18 years of his adult life. He sat on his butt and made my husband's mother support him and took his stepchildren's insurance money to buy a boat, firearms, drugs, etc. They talked about how he was such a caring father. I remember the man who would not keep an eye on his 4 year old son, who when nobody was watching him, held a bic lighter to his leg until he had 2nd degree burns, and then tried to blame my husband, who he said should have been watching him instead. I remembered how unsupportive he was when my husband passed his driver's test and we got him a used beater of a car. At the time, the insurance co. needed the insurance policy number of everyone in their household - some silly red tape, but the man who married my husband's mother would not give his - so my husband could not get insurance. That was the one time I didn't hold my tongue and just let that man know exactly what I really thought of him. (Hey, I was only 17 and still do not regret what I said. Every word of it was true.)
Yet, I really think that when he and my husband's mom called us in 2004, knowing they were sick, that they truly were sorry for things that had happened in the past. They never said the words "sorry" or "regret" but they did reach out first. And I think he was the one who instigated it. And every since then, we only saw him/talked to him occasionally, but he treated my husband and I with respect and was friendly to us and our kids.
So, I really tried to listen to the sermon today (the pastor was a fabulous speaker) and tried to get past all that baggage from our past. I noticed his own children did not even cry. So, I wonder if the eulogy was truly heartfelt or just people trying to find something nice to say when asked if they had a nice memory of him. In the car on the way to the cemetery, I asked my husband if he could think of one happy memory of his stepfather and he never did answer. I was hoping for something. But I don't think I'll ask him again.
According to his older, biological kids from his first marriage, the man was Ward Cleaver. For most of his life, we saw more of "Jack" from "The Shining". I wonder if his was a life well spent and I think I have come to the conclusion that it was well spent. His reaching out in forgiveness a few years ago, even after all he knew he inflicted on us, enabled my husband to get past his worst childhood memories and move on to remember the fewer and more far-between not-so-bad times. And if for no other reason, I think my stepfather-in-law's life was a life well spent.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Semi-Hijacked Blog Subject - Christmas Music

I kind of hijacked this blog subject from Daisy over at her "Everything Daisy" blog. (She's a fellow karate student.) Visit her blog at She talks about how Christmas has creeped up on her without her realizing it. Well, that's the part I am highjacking, but what I really want to talk about is Christmas music..
I was just saying this very thing to my friend quickly the Christmas season was this year. I love all the decorations and the music (I even forego Sammy Hagar music for Perry Como and Johnny Mathis this time of year - a true phenomenon!!!) Oh, and don't forget Brenda Lee's "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" (Really listen to it - sounds like she has a sailor's vocab when she sings about indulging in some pumpkin pie later on...My hubby just cracks-up every time he hears that part.) And Elvis's "Blue Christmas"...(I love it even though the backup singers sound like whipper-whills when they sing the background "Blue-ooh-ooh-oohah, Blue-ooh-ooh-oohah") You just can't deny it - Elvis was cool no matter how you slice it.
A coworker turned me on to a website called "Pandora" on which you can create your own music stations and listen online. You tell them your favorite artist or song and they build a station around songs similar to your specified song/artist. Needless to say, my first "station creation" was based on Sammy. But my second one - Christmas music. And I play it all day long at work. It is fun and you can say "yes, I like that song" or "No, that song sucks" (paraphrased by MAM, of course). I get to find out who the artist is and have learned that I can just say no to Louis Armstrong songs. (Because the man is an icon, I felt guilty, but I'm telling you - listening to one of his Christmas songs was actually painful, and I had it pulled from "my" station. I found out I love the entire Burl Ives Christmas album...Who doesn't love "Holly, Jolly Christmas"...I mean really?
I thought Madonna's "Santa Baby" (one of the few Madonna songs I can stomach) was the original. Found out Eartha Kitt sang it many years before the Material Girl did. (And did a much better job of it, too.)
The bottom line is that I am not one for "mellow" type music...except when it comes to my holiday tunes. For the yuletide soundtrack of my life, I find myself seeking out Johnny Mathis, Andy Williams, Perry Como - people who, not to take away from their talent, are usually just not my cup of tea. I thinkit is the "traditional" girl in me. Not to mention, Sammy hasn't really put out any good Christmas albums lately.
What's your favorite Christmas song(s) and why?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sargeant MAM - Cracking the Whip!

Well, did not get to do the other 3 katas last night (the Pal-Gwe ones). My excuse - my son wanted me to sew some pillows for his bed.
Sidebar: I know - off topic, but I had a really neat idea the other day when I was at my local thrift store and saw 4, like-new t-shirts of the wrestlers my son is obsessed with as of late. BUT, the shirts were about 2 sizes too small. But they were like new, the very "in" guys right now and only 99 cents each! (and they even matched each other in style.) So, I had this brilliant idea to buy the shirts, turn them inside out, sew straight up the arms, straigt across right below the neck opening, stuff a throw pillow in each and sew it closed. Well, I got the little throw pillows there too, and each pillow ended up costing me only $2 and I saw very similar ones at Wal-Mart for like $15 each. My son says I'm a genius. (And, of course, I would like to be able to agree with Okay, back on track...
Anyway, I will have to do my Pal-Gwe 1,2 & 3 katas today. (After all, an artist has to follow through with the vision, don't they? LOL!)
Okay, so if you didn't get to your katas yesterday, I'm going to be the drill sargeant I'm supposed to be here at bootcamp and crack the whip and tell you, "Do your kata today!" Because it'll be child's play compared to tomorrow's task...(Got your curiosity peaked now, don't I?)

Monday, December 15, 2008

MAM Reporting for Monday Morning MA Bootcamp!

Well, I'm still sick in the head, but that's a whole 'nuther story...
I'm still fighting the good fight against this respiratory/sinus/agony thing but I do think I've got the edge now. I still have a headache, but I only coughed about 1/3 of the night last night! Progress!
Today, I begin my self-imposed "MAM's 3 Week M.A. Bootcamp". (Lost a whole week last week with that pesky illness!)
And what better way to start my bootcamp after severe illness...why, kata, of course! My favorite and an M.A. activity that I can kind of ease myself back into after being so sick and inert. Yeah, that's a good description - inert...(If truth be told, blobbish is a much more accurate description) Anyway, today I'm going to do kata over and over and over again - both physically and in my head. (Sometimes that is just as useful a tool as performing it "in real life".) So, if any of you have been waiting for me to start this boot camp to get your own started, do some kata today...and do it like you mean it!!!!
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and kicking (See...I've still got it!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Life is What Happens to You While You're Busy Making Other Plans...

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
That's a line from a John Lennon song. And I don't know about you, but I think the man was brilliant. A little eccentric, yes, but brilliant. Anyway, that line falls in line with the way my life goes about the same as my other favorite ascerbic life motto - "Blessed are they who expect nothing... for they are not disappointed."
My self imposed boot camp has been sidelined for a day or two. I am sick in the head. No, really. Inside my head - it's not feeling well. Can you tell by the way I'm writing? Or is it just the Dayquil talking?
Other than the queasy feeling in my stomach from all the sick in my head draining down my throat and into my stomach, I feel fine from the neck on down. Now, I've toyed with the idea of going ahead and doing some karate since my body minus head feels okay. And kata is supposed to be of the "mindless" type of martial arts. (You know what I mean...) So, why not?
I'll tell you why not...Because the huge cat fight going on inside my head prevents it. There's a tabby and an extra fluffy persian in there duking it out to see who can get out through my nostrils first. (Okay, I think this just IS the Dayquil talking!) I think if my okay-feeling-body were to do some jarring sparring (hee-hee) or some equally moving kicks, those cats would go slamming up against each side of my head and make it even worse.
So, instead, I'm planning my agenda for when the Kitty Cage Match is head being the cage. I am hoping for some relief soon so I can get back on task.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

MAM's Self-Imposed 4 Week MA Bootcamp

Our martial arts classes are conducted in "sessions". The one we are finishing this Thursday, Dec. 4th was a long one - 14 weeks. The next one, because of how the holidays fall, will not begin unti Thursday, January 8th. That is a full 4 weeks with no martial arts classes. E-GADS!!!

I have decided the solution to this almost certain festival of flab will be Martial Arts Mom's self-imposed 4 Week Martial Arts Bootcamp!

I plan on creating the benchmark MAM 4-Week MA Bootcamp Intense Itinerary. (Try saying that 10 times fast!) The self-inflicted torture will most certainly include plenty of push-ups, ceaseless sit-ups (or other ab work), barrels of balance exercises, perilous punching, kick-ass kicks, well, you get the idea. And don't 'forget kata. Gotta have my kata.

It's easy to practice alot of this on my own. I've told you all before that I like to get me some early morning kata. (Sounds dirty, doesn't it? LOL) But then again, late night kata is pretty good too! (Seriously, get your mind out of the gutter - kata is not being used as a code word for something else in this context! :) I can practice kicks & punches myself and /or with my hanging heavy bag. I can do the bo staff and eskrima by myself to a certain extent, but it would be much easier to practice with a partner. So, I may see if one of the other folks in class would want to get together once a week for those 4 weeks to practice the eskrima drills we've been working on on Tuesday nights so we won't forget all that hard work we've put in.

Actually, you know, this 4 week hiatus could be a good thing afterall. If I stick with my plan and don't overindulge this holiday season, I could go back in January in "fighting form"... but given all the goodies encountered at this time of year, I'd settle for just NOT going back in"FLABulous form"!
Wish me luck...or rather willpower and determination!